2021年3月20日 星期六

Obituary of Mr. Chan Pun Hon (陳本漢老師)

Sorry to advise the passing away of our respectful teacher Mr. Chan Pun Hon (陳本漢老師) on 8th March 2021 in Vancouver.  Would like to share with you the following message from his middle daughter Angela Chan.

"In memory of our beloved Dad and for sharing our memories of the dearest person in our family, we would like to send you the obituary of our beloved Dad in the form of a Sway letter.

(please click here: 

There are a lot of photos to share some of which are in stacks that you need to click to flip through whilst others, you may simply scroll down to view.

Most importantly is the content of the obituary and we hope you would take time to read through till the end of it.

On behalf of the family, we are grateful to have received all your warm condolences in whichever ways.
May our loving Dad rest in peace."

電郵 ehrgps@gmail.com



另外一定要提的是老師的諄諄善誘,每個星期六都替我們補習,希望大家在小學會考考獲佳績。我的成績一向是「合格以上」、「滿分以下」,但是在填寫志願派位時間,眼高手低,有些不自量力。陳Sir很有耐性的同我分析、研究,那時家住香港,正準備搬往觀塘。他指點迷津,說該區附近有一所新女校 - 聖傑靈女子中學,以我的成績,如果填該校為第一志願應該問題不大。後來放榜,真的如我所願。但因為家庭發生了一些狀況,沒有搬屋,終於選擇了入讀新法書院。





2020年尾,師母過身,老師很大打擊,既失老伴,同時亦失左照顧者。隨後的農曆新年,同學們都有和他視像拜年,還打算抽空組團到溫哥華探望,可惜2021 3月,已經傳來他的噩耗!


                       68 pm Louisa 張衍玲
