2023年1月21日 星期六

懷念伍兆銘老師 Mr. George Shiu-Ming Ng We Remember





In Celebration of the Life of our Beloved Teacher,
Mr. George Shiu-Ming Ng, 


We Remember

Photo Album 相片集


Alumni of Eastern Hospital Road
Govt. Primary School (PM)

      November, 2022

致謝   Acknowledgement


我一向認為,由衷的讚美是最悅耳,發自內心的感謝是最䁔心。因此,編著這感言集錄,我可説是毫不費力,㫮因每篇原稿都已是字字動聽,句句感人;至真至善便是美,不需要任何修飾。在此,謹向每一位獻出自己感言的師長和校友致謝!  是你們的真誠表達,把思緒情懷,編織成精美的作品,掛在心牆,引發回響。






I always believe that a compliment is most magical when it is genuine, and that gratitude, when expressed from the heart, is most touching. Hence, with every piece of incoming tribute already heartfelt and sincere, there is very little editing to do. For that, I thank each, and every contributor of this Tributes collection. It is your honest expression and sharing that, together, have woven a beautiful tapestry for Ng Sir, to be kept in the heart while echoing the soul.


Many thanks are due to Ava K. W. Tin and Nick K. L. Chan, our two leaders of projects commemorative of Ng Sir (ref. footnote below), and to all other members of the working group: 

    Tommy C. W. Wong        Annie C. H. Chu
    Y. Y. Yip                          Gary Y. W. Chan 
    Matthew S. C. Mak         C. K. Li
    Winnie Y. W. Ng             Stella W.H. Lam
    Angela K. Y. Ho                               


for their support and tireless efforts without which this collection, and its sister projects, would not be possible.


Finally, a special thank you to K. S. Wu and Steve K. Y. Ng who helped get our project deliverables posted on the EHRGPS school website. 


Connie 王有貴 (’63 pm)


1 懷念伍老師”項目包括:      Projects commemorative of Ng Sir include the following:

A.   為伍Sir 生前的部份詩詞作品編著成書/集 - Create/Publish a chapbook of Ng Sir’s poems

B.   編設一部伍Sir的相片集 - Create a memorial album of Ng Sir from our collection       

C.   編撰師友們緬懷伍Sir的感言集錄 -  Compile a collection of tributes from school alumni 

D.   募捐愛民頓中國花園以紀念伍 Sir - Raise fund for a legacy donation to the Edmonton Chinese Garden Society in memory of Ng Sir



簡介   Introduction

伍 Sir, 大家都認識他,不用作介紹了。 

恩師的去世,你是悲傷難過,還是哀婉痛惜,又或者印象已經模糊,祇有輕微的嘆息?無論如何,請來細聽校友們緬懷伍 Sir 的心聲;你, 或許會有共鳴


Ng Sir, whose name was familiar to most of us, needed no introduction here.

His passing might have aroused different feelings and emotions in us. Regardless of whether yours was that of shock, sadness, loss, or apathy, please take a moment to listen to the voices in this collection; for with you, some of them may strike a chord …   



給伍Sir                    王有貴 (’63 pm)





於是,你竭力督促, 風火凌勵,
爲我們能躋身理想而不懈 - 對你,我們又敬又畏。

對你的關懷、影響和付出 - 我們感悟,我們感激。



We Remember …



We were innocent and ignorant, in a way,

Like caterpillars, with a smattering of knowledge, 

Expecting to turn into graceful butterflies one day.


While you, 

Capable and brilliant, knew that against time we must race,

For metamorphosis is not just a waiting game - apt conditions,

And a firm landing place are key for larvae to successfully pupate.



Remedial classes and fast-paced drills, 

You instigated, to hone our skills. Of you, we were in absolute awe,

For with you, classes were always nothing but a thrill.



We weathered, and we reminisced, the years through.

Your dedication, caring and impact on our lives, all unveiled 

An abundance debt of gratitude we owe you.


That you’ve left us forever,

Memories linger on, echoing our well-wishes as our hearts whisper:   

We remember … 


東院道官立學校 - 教師







憶當年, 他為升中試學生補課, 改變了不少同學的命運!大家都知道他是専教數學的, 但他的中文造詣也很深, 60年代中後期, 我們創辧智慧出版時, ’68’69 年間出版的中文補充練習, 一至六年级上下學期共十二册, 全由伍老師執筆, 也一纸風行! 


十分懷念伍兆銘老師, 願他的家人止哀順變! 



Hin Lee, son of Mrs. C.L. Lee:


My mom had a close working relationship with Ng Sir before he emigrated to Canada. I, myself was never taught by Ng Sir, but I also benefitted from Ng Sir’s arithmetic drilling exercises in preparation for 升中試。


Both of us visited Ng Sir in Edmonton in 1986, and we didn’t have a chance to visit him again, especially after his wife passed away and he moved to a care home.

We missed him dearly. May he rest in peace.  



東院道官立學校 - 歷屆下午班畢業生


'59 pm 同學懷念伍 Sir㸃滴:

•     就讀五、六年級時, 你講授數學的認真教學態度, 一生永難忘及以你為榜樣!

•     伍Sir 黑板寫字快, 但清晰; 講學聲音洪亮, 我絕對要留神, 分秒被選中答問題, 未敢「遊埠」!

•     伍 Sir 桃李滿天下。


•     記憶所及,我們三年级時,伍 Sir 在嘉道理小學任實習老師,當時教英文,印象深刻,因不會串字,给打了手板。


•     猶記當年,他是一個非常嚴厲的老師。罰男學生 ,絕不手軟。但被他打過、罰過、掟過粉擦的,全無怨言。愛他至今。


•     現在時興選舉最佳老師。伍 Sir 沒有得過任何獎,但他是我們歷屆學生心目中的最佳老師。


•     猶記當年伍 Sir 教數學,經他講解,茅塞頓開,完全明白數理運作。除了教學,還關懷學生們日常生活,人生道理,得益不淺。


Gary Yuk Wai CHAN (‘62 PM):


Tribute To Our Beloved Teacher and Lifelong Mentor, Mr. George Ng (Ng Sir)


On learning the passing of our beloved Teacher and lifelong Mentor, Mr. George Ng (Ng Sir), my thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Ng and with the Ng Family.


I came to know Ng Sir (as he was always addressed this way by his students) during the late 1950s and early 1960s when I was studying at Eastern Hospital Road Government Primary School in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.


In this respect, Ng Sir was an outstanding teacher in Math.  His unique way of training his students to master quick skills in tackling exam questions enabled us to achieve excellent Math grades in the Hong Kong Secondary School Entrance Examination. What makes Ng Sir distinguished from other teachers were his passion for teaching and his dedication to providing us extra drilling sessions daily during recess and during after school hours. Specifically, we were trained to complete 40-50 questions within 15-20 minutes time frame result of which was that nearly every student could give instant answer by merely looking at the question. It was indeed Ng Sir's relentless efforts day after day, and month after month that benefit us all.


In the educational stream, the most powerful force is the bond between teachers and students. This bond always leads to academic success and student empowerment.  Over the years, a special bond had developed between Ng Sir and his students starting from the days of Ng Sir's teaching at EHRGPS, and in particular, during those interaction time at consecutive, extra drilling sessions.   


60 years on, this close bond between Ng Sir and his students continued to develop beyond younger days. In fact, his position as our beloved Teacher and lifelong Mentor helped to connect and to unite his students. Though residing at various parts of the World, often thousands of miles apart, his students would periodically organize Wishing Well Group Visit to Ng Sir. Whenever possible, his students would share memorable moments with Ng Sir during his Birthdays at his Edmonton Residence in Canada.


Meanwhile, after a lapse of several decades since graduating from college of education in Hong Kong, and with tremendous courage and immense perseverance, Ng Sir took up the gruelling challenge as a mature student to study and to write the professional Accounting Exam upon immigrating to Alberta, Canada. Ng Sir went on to become a Certified General Accountant, practised in the Accounting profession in Edmonton for many years, serving his clients well.   


Likewise, Ng Sir also cared about postgraduation development of his students. He extended his utmost support to me (as a mature student) during my struggling period to study and to write the Bar Exam in Vancouver, British Columbia. As a mature student himself, Ng Sir totally appreciated alike process I went through during my long and winding journey. Ng Sir’s true understanding of my difficulties was well reflected in a Chinese Poem (see below*) he composed for me to commemorate my admission to the Canadian Bar Association in September 2006.

After retirement, Ng Sir contributed much of his time in community services. Being the Chair Person, Ng Sir played a pivotal role in establishing the charitable organization Edmonton Chinese Garden Society in 2000 to build a Chinese Garden at Louise McKinney Park in Edmonton, Alberta. Funding for this meaningful project was primarily done through fundraising campaigns, sponsorship, membership drive, and government programs.

In recognition of Ng Sir's professional achievements and continual community services, he was invited (as a representative of Edmonton) to meet with the then Chinese President Hu Jintao at a reception in Vancouver, British Columbia during Mr. Hu's State Visit to Canada in September 2005.


In sum, Ng Sir lived for an Honourable Life which has inspired us all. Though currently resting in Heavenly Peace, Ng Sir's Legacy will live on in our Hearts. 


*Poem from Ng Sir:









On Gary Chan’s Lawyer Swearing-in



After passing the Bar Examination,
you have definitely fulfilled your dreams,

Shutting yourself in to study,

you have missed a lot of fun and sunbeams.

Sharpening your wits and cultivating your ethics,

the former supplements the latter,

You did it for yourself,

and you did it for the others.

That’s all that matters.



Vivien 周靜賢 (‘62 PM):


It is indeed sad news to hear about Ng Sir’s passing. He was our model and an inspiration to the next generation! He will be forever in my fond memories! 



William 孔永祥 (‘62 PM):


Nick, thanks for sending our condolence messages to Ng Sir’s family. Indeed, he is our most beloved and respected teacher.

蘇進凱 (‘62 PM):


I think all of our schoolmates are very sad to hear the pass away of our beloved teacher Ng Sir. Will all our memories with him stay in our hearts forever. Will his soul rest in peace.


伍 Sir 教算術有他的特別速算法,例如時鐘問題,4 點到 5 點,時分針幾時重疊,即時可寫出答案。每星期都一兩次小息,算術快測,短時間計算四十多條問題,使我們可以快速答題,在升中試算術科考到好成績。



Frankie 羅勵鵬 (‘62 PM):


驚聞伍 Sir 離世噩訊,腦海中不期然地泛起很多的回憶。還記得他那炯炯有神的眼睛,恩威並重的教學方式,孜孜不倦的用心栽培我們,目的是使我們在升中試得到好成績,讓我們可以被派到好的中學就讀。在我心中,伍 Sir永遠是我一生最敬重和最懷念的一位老師。



Doris 徐婉儀 (‘62 PM):


This is certainly sad news, especially to some of you who were very close to him. May Ng Sir rest in peace. He was a good teacher and was well loved by all of his students.  Please pass along my condolences to his family.  



Nick 陳國良 (‘62 PM):


Sir 是我六年級班主任及數學老師。他上課時很嚴肅,但有時也有輕鬆的時刻。他喜歡用詩詞/成語讓我們猜是那位同學的名字。雖事隔已60年了,仍印象深刻的如下:


“和尚駡秃奴”         - 李志光 (‘62pm

“番鬼佬油炸鬼”   - 歐翠芬(‘62pm

“秦時明月漢時關” - 陳景生(‘62pm

“一擊不中”       - 劉有坤(‘62pm

“重男輕女”       - 鄭靄儀(‘62pm

  修橋整路冇屍骸” - 胡善為(


Sir 也喜歡替同學們改花名,有些沿用到現在我們仍用花名來稱呼他們呢:

   “魚翅”  - 余熾鏗(‘62pm

   “炸魚  趙雨亮 (‘63 pm

   “陳友”  - 譚耀榮(‘61pm        

   BB   - 黎仲賢(‘62pm

   “海狗”  - 劉金澄(‘62pm



Yvonne 楊淑儀 (‘62 PM):


回想起數年前到加拿大旅行,和伍 Sir 一起飲茶,之後送他回家。想不到那是最後一聚



Stella 林頴嫺 (‘62 PM):


Ng Sir will be fondly remembered and sadly missed! May the soul of our beloved teacher rest in eternal peace.



徐麗娟  (‘62 PM):


I just recall the song “To Sir With Love”! 

His love and care for all of us will always remain in our hearts!  



Ava 田紀華 (‘62 PM):


The memories of Ng Sir will never be forgotten.


My siblings and I will always cherish the beautiful memories with Ng Sir in Edmonton -- his caring heart, his helping hands, and his professionalism as an accountant to help us manage our finance. 


Thanks to Ng Sir! He is forever a legend in our hearts.


我和兄弟們萬分懷念伍 Sir 







In 2018, with Ng Sir’s permission, I used his poems (which was written in 2014 for ’62 students) as the lyrics to compose a song. The song was then dedicated back to him as a gesture of appreciation.


二零一四年,我們一衆舊冋學齊集愛民頓市探訪伍 Sir,老師高興地給我們填了一首小令,題為《鷓鴣天.贈‘62年東院道畢業同學》。感動之餘,在二零一八年,我將那小令的詞句譜成歌曲,回獻給伍 Sir 致謝。


Agate 黃雪鴻 (‘63 pm):


So sad to hear. Always remember Ng Sir. Respect him a lot. May he rest in peace. Deepest condolences to his family. 



Joe 尹揚聲 (‘63 pm):


Ng Sir, my most respected teacher, may you rest in peace



Betsey 鄧慧玲 (‘63 pm):


So shocked and sad to hear this bad news. Ng Sir was one of my most respected teachers. May he rest in peace. My deepest condolences to his family. 


As his past students, we all felt very sad to lose our dear teacher. Ng Sir had our great respect and high esteem because of his dedication to education, his personal integrity, and moral standards. He will always be remembered by all of us.  



趙雨亮 (‘63 pm):


It’s really hard to take that another teacher has left us. 

Needless to say, Ng Sir was one of our most respected teachers in our school days in EHRGPS.



John 徐樹榮 (‘63 pm):   


Rest in Peace, Ng Sir; with my deepest condolences.

He paved the way for our success, and I’ll remember him. 



Alice 潘慧嫺 (‘63 PM):


“Ng Sir was the most hardworking of all teachers and gave generously of his own time to tutor students after school hours. He was well aware how daunting the secondary school entrance exam in maths was and wanted us to be well prepared and well trained in the subject. He made his tutoring sessions open to all four classes and always managed to make what appeared to some of us the most inscrutable subject a little easier to understand.”


--- Excerpt from the article published in the Asia Sentinal,

titled “A Tribute to My Primary School” by Alice Poon, Oct 16, 2007.


Rachel 麥瑞雯 (‘63 pm):


Sir,你可能不記得那個決定我一生的早上。那是我小學會考的當天, 我雙腳發抖, 驚怕異常,幸好得你一而再,再而三的鼓勵,才考得驕人成績。那天的情景,深印在腦海,每次想起都感動落淚。




老師七十高齡,還刻意到機場接我們,那刻實在感動。午餐時,我在同窗丶師母及老師子孫面前,向伍Sir朗讀我早些年寫下的“My Tribute to Ng Sir**,傾出多年對老師感恩之情。那頓飯,是我們走訪加拿大的高潮。







**My Tribute to Ng Sir


Ng Sir, I wonder whether you still remember me. You have been on my mind a lot. I remember how you cared about your students, and I was one of those who benefited. You have done a lot for our primary six class. But for me, your kind acts have left an unforgettable impact on my life and I would like to thank you for that.

Remember we took our open exam in the school and on that day I was panic-stricken

Teachers fussed around me and tried to comfort me. One gave me ginseng to place on my tongue etc. As we lined up to enter the exam classroom, you stood at the top of the stairs which led us from the rooftop playground to the classroom. You waited for me and shook my hands, saying “Goodluck!”. I was so moved by your support. After the first paper and the recess, we again lined up to go down and there you were, in the same spot, waiting to shake my hands, I felt again touched. But after the second recess, when I saw you at the same spot, we shook hands as before and I remembered feeling already relieved and light-hearted. I graduated with flying colours, actually earning myself a 5-year scholarship. You were definitely my guardian angel.


Without your loving support, I would not have done so well. Now I am doing very well in my career as a clinical psychologist. In my work, I came to be a mentor to clinical psychology and family therapy students, and I wish I could carry your legacy of kindness and love to them as you did to me.


Mak sui man, Eastern Hospital Road Primary School graduate

December 2005

Angela 何潔玉 (‘63 pm):


心中很不捨,好難過。腦海中又浮現起二零零八年在送別一群到訪學生時, 伍 Sir bought snacks and drinks from T&T for those leaving 那感人的一幕,which reminded me of 朱自清的《背影》…


Sir, 我們永遠 懷念您!    

To Sir with Love



胡嘉成 (‘63 pm):


Ng Sir 是我的恩師,能夠獲得他的教導和栽培, 是我幾生修來的福份。相信很多同學都是因為曾受教於他, 而改變了自己的命運。


幾十年過去了, 一直未與恩師見面, 直至二零一一年參加了九寨溝的旅程, 才有機會和恩師長時間相聚, 這要多謝‘60年師兄們的悉心安排, 心裏感激! 


我向來很少旅行, 但這次旅程是極珍貴和難忘的。在旅途中有很多機會和恩師交談, 我向他講述了自己的近況, 也從談話中得知恩師的一些生活㸃滴。可能是因為恩師的學生實在太多了, 而且也事隔多年, 恩師對於我重提以前相處的一麟半爪, 都記不起來了。例如:他曾經叫我在補課完畢後替他做些小事;又如他曾經替我改了個胡嘉佬的花名, 他都記不起來了。


反而最近從王有貴同學處間接得知,原來恩師對我們在九寨溝旅行時的相處,有一定程度上的印象。這令我十分高興, 自己在恩師的回憶裏, 果然有一分的位置, 這様實在太好了。


當年受教於恩師, 是難忘的, 是一世受用的;恩師在我心目中,是重量級的, 是無以為報的。讓我繼續保存對他的回憶, 也祝願他在永生的國度裏, 和師母重聚, 永遠幸福。若干年後, 我也有機會和他再聚。



Simon 司徒慶年 ('64 pm):


我也是由於伍兆銘老師教學的啟蒙,因此中學時選擇入讀他的母校喇沙書院, 始而有自信和敢於拼博,改寫了命運.永遠懷念伍兆銘老師。


Ken 黃國鴻 ('64 pm):


Sir 有一天可能知道我没錢去修補我破了的眼鏡, 在課堂上出一條 IQ 難题, 説誰能破解就給他五塊錢。結果這五塊錢救了我, 去茂昌配鏡子。我實在要感恩伍 Sir

Catherine 鍾秀雲 ('64 pm):


想大家都有同感, 伍 Sir 和陳公都利用小息時間幫我們在數學和英文方面操練, 花了妤多心機, 是我尊敬的老師。



Annie 周肖卿 ('64 pm):


Sir,伍兆銘老師是我們東院道小學六年级的數學老師。當年上課時他充满激情, 毎堂都是全程投入, 帶领學生向著學好數學,考好升中試的目標進發; 他深受學生愛戴, 很多學生更是他的粉絲。他為了令學生有更多練習以應付升中試, 想到利用學校一個十五分鐘的小息時間, 每日讓全班學生做五六十题小測驗, 而翌日又能迅速派卷, 日復一日, 學生那有不進步之理。


這個經歷令我印象極為深刻, 是我多年來仍然深受啟發的一件事. 這讓小小年紀的小學生, 經歷了: 拼博, 分秒必争,“沒有辦法”(時間), 也可以變成有辦法(時間)的過程, 況且小孩子自覺有進步便變成有自信了。所以何萬森老師給伍 Sir 的悼文説,伍 Sir 的教學改變了很多學生的命運,所言非虚。


何老師寫的悼文還提到伍 Sir 文學修養甚為了得, 這令我記起當年伍 Sir 雖然専教數學, 往往在課堂向我們背誦和讃歎他喜愛的中國詩詞名句, 例如:“晴川歷歷漢陽樹,芳草萋萋鸚鵡洲” …。不知是否需要調劑課堂的緊凑氣氛,他還给我們介紹有趣絶配的對聯, 例如: “五月黄梅天,三星白蘭地” …。他對中國文學的欣賞和熱愛, 溢於言表。難怪何老師對伍 Sir 在中國文學的造詣和成就讚不已。


1964年小學畢業至今, 我雖然對伍 Sir 個人了解不多, 只知他移民加國, 而我這麼多年來僅有一次在港和同學們跟他聚會。得知伍 Sir 已離塵世, 特為文表達我輩對伍 Sir 這位恩師, 心存感激, 憶念不已。


Kelvin 許國輝 ('64 pm):

多謝周肖卿, 你將我對敬愛懐念伍 Sir 的心聲全部説岀來,伍 Sir 真的改變了我一生!


Philip 余英燦 ('64 pm):


周肖卿同學對伍 Sir 的追思文寫得真好! 使我對伍Sir的離世十分惋惜及更為敬愛懷念!


Iarry 葉笑群 (‘68 PM):

Sir 和伍 Sir 都是值得我們尊敬的老師,願他們一 路好走,得到安息!
